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Friday, February 4, 2011

LOCKERZ : Geeks Treausure :)

LOCKERZ was started in recent past to make it the homepage of all teens. You have loads to do in this simple site. You can connect with new friends, Share your likes and dislikes, Answer a daily question, Earn PTZ, Get big discounts using your PTZ, win great goodies on Redemption, watch your favorite videos (You ll earn PTZ for this too) and a lot more.

Wonder what is PTZ ??
Well.. You get 500 PTZ on your signup and you start earning for almost all your clicks in the site. Answering a daily question will earn you few PTZ, Watching videos will fetch you lot more and the best thing is you get 4 PTZ daily just for logging in.

Check out the Redeem page for all available gifts that will feature in next redemption. Work to get sufficient PTZ to claim your item. But the thing is the redemption time and date will be unknown to the users. However you will be announced about redemptions 24 hours earlier. Just wait for them to start and grab your favorite stuffs.

Currently LOCKERZ ships gift items only to selected 30 countries and they are expanding. So we have to wait for them to start shipping to India. But that doesn't mean that you have to wait to start earning your PTZ. Start earning your PTZ right now. You may win those Paypal cash prizes for now.

Check out LOCKERZ here:

Do not forget to add me as your friend !!! :)

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