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Saturday, February 19, 2011

10 most awaited gadgets of 2011

HTC Playbook

BlackBerry PlayBook

Research In Motion’s BackBerry Playbook is set to escort the company into the tablet market in or around the first quarter of 2011. The tablet supports Flash 10.1 and HTML 5, has a 7-inch screen, HDMI support, dual (front and back-facing) HD cameras, 1 GB of RAM and a 1 GHz dual-core processor. So unless Apple comes up with a much better iPad follow-up, 2011 might see a market comeback by RIM.

MintPass Dual-boot Tablet

MintPass' MintPad (Photos of new tablet unavailable)

This upcoming MintPass tablet supports dual-boot tablet and will be able to run both Microsoft and Google Android operating systems. The tablet has dual touch-screens that employ the new SpaceTouch technology and can be used both in combination and separately. The picture above shows the Korean company’s previous tablet, the MintPad.

Sony VAIO 3D Laptop

Sony VAIO 3D Laptop

The upcoming 3D variation of Sony’s VAIO laptop series allegedly uses frame-sequential display technology (the same display technology employed in the company’s Bravia 3D TVs ) to power its impressive 16-inch, 240 Hz, 1080p LCD, which means the laptops will come equipped with 3D active-shutter glasses. Release is expected around spring.

LG Star

LG Star

The LG Star is revving its 1 GHz dual-core NVIDIA Tegra 2 processor for its upcoming release in 2011. The Android phone has a 4-inch, 800 x 480 capacitive touch-screen, an 8 MP camera and an HDMI port. The speed demon has much hype surrounding it owing to it being the first ever Tegra 2 smartphone.

HP PalmPad

HP PalmPad

The release of the HP PalmPad is expected in the first half of 2011. The tablet is said to have a 1.2 GHz dual-core processor. It will be powered by a newer WebOS (WebOS 2.0) which will support Flash 10.1, multi-tasking support and editing of Microsoft Office documents via QuickOffice.

HTC 7 Pro

HTC 7 Pro

HTC is aiming for a spring release of its Sprint-exclusive HTC 7 Pro. The Windows Phone 7 smartphone sports 3.6-inch, 480 x 800 WVGA display and a sliding dedicated QWERTY keyboard. It will allow users to edit Microsoft Office files and manage their emails via Outlook and will support a variety of HTC Hubb apps fit for the businessman.

Nintendo 3DS

Nintendo 3DS

The first quarter of 2011 will see the release of the first ever handheld 3D gaming console. The Nintendo 3DS, in addition to conventional controls, has a 360-degree track pad and a 3.02-inch touch-screen. It sports a 3.52-inch LCD, dual 0.3 MP cameras, gyro and motion sensors and is rumored to be powered by dual 266MHz ARM11 CPUs.

The Verizon Iphone

The Verizon iPhone

The highly anticipated upcoming Verizon Wireless iPhone is said to be similar in every way to the original iPhone 4 except, of course, it’ll have hardware alterations that support the Verizon CDMA network. Some speculate that the Verizon-ready iPhone series may include the elusive White iPhone 4.

Apple iPhone 5

Apple iPhone 5

The new anticipated installment in Apple’s iconic smartphone series is rumored to have a form factor that is completely new to the said series. It is speculated that the iPhone 5 might employ NFC (Near Field Communication) short-range wireless technology to function as an electronic wallet of sorts, complete with debit/credit and identification/passkey applications.

The PlayStation Phone

The PlayStation Phone

The handheld gaming console cum phone that was initially just a collection of rumors and leaked images is now speculated to be the recently revealed Sony Ericsson PlayStation Phone prototype codenamed Zues Z1 and the gaming phone hinted at by Sony Ericsson’s CEO. The prototype is powered by the Android Gingerbread OS and features a PlayStation app.