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Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Official Windows 8 Logo: It’s a Window, Not a Flag

Microsoft said Friday that it dramatically redesigned the Windows 8 logo to make it more like, well, a window.
When the Windows 8 team was working to create a logo that would sum up the Windows 8 product and the Metro design experience, designer Paula Scher of the Pentagram design firm turned to the Windows executives in the room and asked them: 

"Your name is Windows. Why are you a flag?" 
And thus the new logo was born.

Windows 8 Logo

Windows 1.0 Logo

"'Windows' really is a beautiful metaphor for computing and with the new logo we wanted to celebrate the idea of a window, in perspective," Moreau wrote. "Microsoft and Windows are all about putting technology in people's hands to empower them to find their own perspectives. And that is what the new logo was meant to be. We did less of a re-design and more to return it to its original meaning and bringing Windows back to its roots – reimagining the Windows logo as just that – a window."
It really is a dramatic redesign. What do you think of it? Let us know in the comments.
Microsoft is expected to unveil a consumer preview of Windows 8 at Mobile World Congress later this month. 

Source: Thinkdigit and Gizmodo.

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