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Friday, March 4, 2011

Android finally gets a web store :)

Up till now the only way to browse and search for Android Apps was from within your device, but has Google announced the Android Market Web store this week that allows you to search for the apps using web browser as well.

There’s nothing special about the website design, however, the Apps are placed neatly into categories and there is also a featured-app section on the top.

There are only two main categories, Games and Applications, each of which is further broken into many sub-categories. For now, there is no mechanism to sort the app according to different parameter which is much needed especially when you have over 100,000 apps.

One thing that I like about the website is the Individual Application page where you can read all the information about the app, the reviews, see detailed ratings, view related apps and even share it via twitter.

You can also login to the website using your Google account to see all your previous and current purchases and your Android device information.

You can also install the application to your device directly from the web. Here’s a recording of the Google event held on February 2 where they unveiled the Android Market Website along with Honeycomb.

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